Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fill in the blank Friday

1. Something that makes me a great friend is i give time to my friends. i love to hang out with my friends and i try to make it a priority i call, text, and try to meet up with friends in person. I think so many women put there friends on the back burner when we have kids but i think it is a crucial time for us to continue to build our friendships.

2. I am talkative, outgoing, competitive, a good napper , honest (especially when it comes to things i like and don't like), a slow typer, afraid of canals, a lover of cheese =).

3. I am not quiet, patient, fond of animals or capris, good at math, a fan of mom competition or confrontation .

4. If I had to describe myself in 3 words, they would be outgoing, determined, honest .

5. Something I'm really cheap about is buying things for myself. i don't mind spending money on things for the kids or the house but when it comes to buying for myself i wait until i have to buy something have a gift card or a coupon before i buy things for me. and i return a lot.....

6. Something I'm willing to splurge on is well recently gas haha seriously though it is almost $200 to fill my gas tank so that is the only splurge happening. Actually probably shoes i have a size 11 foot so if i find shoes i like i buy them generally because they don't come along often

7. I would trade sugar/soda/ carbs for a 50 pound weight loss. to read more go here

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