Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekend Round up

so another Monday already! This weekend went by quick. Friday Jake had his 2 year old check up and we bought him some new shoes, have i mentioned the fact my kids has the fattest feet ever?! i was able to find him a pair at payless but i have never found him any there before so i was excited not to have to shell out $50 for stride rites double wide's.

Friday John was bbqing in a BBQ competition with some friends from work and so we went down there and hung out. the weather was in the 70's and PERFECT the kids ran around we ate and played. then we came home the baby went to bed and the big kids watched hotel for dogs.

Saturday Liz had a swim meet so i was up at 5 so she could get ready, luckily another mom offered to take her so i didn't have to haul all the kids out. my niece came over and watched the boys while i went to a luncheon at a friends church and then back to see John and the guys. here they are preparing there brisket for the judges:




this was the guys first BBQ competition and they have never cooked a brisket so they didn't have there hopes to high of winning anything. although i guess that brisket was pretty good because they took 3rd! out of 36 teams they were so excited!!!



i guess sleeping on a cot in the cold was worth it lol.....when John got home he crashed for like the remainder of the weekend. well he did take Liz to her swim meet on Sunday.

yesterday i just went to church and the grocery store and planned our meals. Pretty uneventful weekend for me.

tonight i will post those before/after pics of my closets i have been working on bet you cant wait HA!

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