Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day
Happy Anniversary!

thats right John got off cheap since we got married on Valentines Day he will never forget our anniverary and he gets to combine 2 gifts for one =) this year marks our 10 year anniversary! So here are 10 things that have happened since we have got married

1. we bought our first house a little 2 bedroom house approx. 3 months after we were married we were the ripe old age of 18 and 20!
2. we had Liz about 7 weeks after we were married. our first experience at child birth wow! thats all I can say
3. We had David 4.5 year later and that was scary my placenta abrupted and had to have a emergency c-section John didnt even get to be in there, it was really scary God so watched over us the doctor said if David had been in there 5 more minutes he would not have made it, and I may not have either if I didnt come in when I did. I lost a lot of blood and had to have 2 blood transfusions, but in that scariness our marriage changed so much. not that there was anything wrong before that but I think we realized how precious life is and how much we really needed one another.
4. when David was 6 months old we found out we were pregnant............ with twins! a pretty good pregnancy other than I went into labor at 32 weeks because I had a little slip in the kitchen and it shook those babies up! 2 days later I was in labor, I had insisted John take the kids up to see his grandparents for a party and when they left I went to the hospital "just to get checked out". oh boy I was in labor, John got there as they were trying to stop it but within 20 minutes I had went from a 2 to a 7. the twins were born at 32 weeks and weihed 5 pounds 8 ounces and 5 pounds 10 ounces (can you imagine if I would have went to 40 weeks!) but they stayed in the hospital for 3 and 4 weeks becasue the little guys would not breath good on there own.
5. the boys came home and so much happened in the first few weeks of us adjuting to a big family. those babies were so good and we prepared to move to a bigger house and my niece was getting married!
6. On Ocotber 23rd 2003 when the twins were about 11 weeks old Matthew passed away, he aspirated in his sleep and it was linked to SIDS oh what a sad sad sad time for our family our oldest was in kindergarten and that was the hardest thing to tell a 5 year old that her little brother had went to be with Jesus.
7. planing a funeral of your own child I can honestly say is the hardest thing I have ever been through BUT God had a plan and wow our walk with the Lord changed so much. We realized how much we could be used by the Lord through what we had gone through. but you know what I learned about marriage then? God allows us to compliment each other so much, you know John really took the intial loss much worse than me I think I was in shock and I kept myself busy so I wouldnt have to deal with it. well about 3 months after Matthew died, after the cards stopped, the calls stopped, the meals stopped, the world kept going it sunk in that Matthew died wow I was in a funk! John really was my rock through that (other than the Lord) he was there everytime I cried he didn't even have to say a thing he just knew, he lived it with me............
8. the kids started getting bigger we moved into our current home. and after a few years of thinking we could never want another baby God allowed us to heal even more and gave us the desire for another child. and last June Jake was born! We have loved all of our kids obviously but man we really cherished that time when Jake was first born even more because we both knew how precious it really was. We are absoluely in love with that baby!
9. although we have good times and sad times, highs and lows. God has given us so much he has truly blessed us in the 10 years we have been married. who would have thought 10 years later we would be happier than the first. God is so good!
10. I cant wait to see what the next 10 will bring! I love you Johnnie!!!!!!!

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  1. Beautiful post. I'm in tears :)

    Happy Anniversery! I hope you had a wonderful day!

  2. That was such a wonderful post. You have such a neat testimony and such an obvious love for your husband and family!!!
