so today my computer went back to the shop. it is having issues AGAIN UGHHHHHH but obviously there are bigger things going on in our country than my stinking computer. here are my thoughts on the election~~~
I am thankful that i serve a king who knows everything that is going to happen before it does, thankful that even when things don't go my way he has my best interest at heart. thankful that he loves us so much he sent his son to die for us. and that is all that matters
and he still reigns forevermore
I thought the speeches were AWESOME! i think that Obama's speech was beautiful and i think his family is gorgeous! i don't agree with his politics but i think it is awesome that as a man who was born in this country into a "poor" family and worked his way up through all adversity to the president of the US is awesome! that is what American is about right? it is evident everyone wants changes from the crappy last 2+ years and boy they got it now. i think it is scary for one party to run the house, senate and the white house but the people have over whelming spoke and that is why we are the US.
and he still reigns forevermore
it is amazing how many people voted something like 80% of voters in my county voted that is huge!!!
and he still reigns forevermore
on the topic of race i think it is awesome a black man was elected president! what a proud moment for so many African Americans in our country to have someone someone who they can see themselves in become president. to be able to say to to there children "See you CAN be president" most black people who i saw interviewed said they would have thought this day would have never happened, this shows us all anyone can be president. including a woman!
and he still reigns forevermore
i am rejoicing today that we live in America and we have the freedom to vote for whoever we want. and obviously he ran a much better campaign. once again i am not promoting his politics i don't agree with 90% of what he says, but what he has accomplished is more than amazing and i will respect that for today at least/
and he still reigns forevermore
and wow what a hero John McCain truly is, his speech was beautiful. he spoke to America with such a love for his country you could feel it
and he still reigns forevermore!
i read this today and it sums up most of my feelings: (sorry i cant remember where i got it to link back to it)
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, Jesus will still be King.
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, our responsibilities as Christians will not have changed one iota.
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, the greatest agent for social change in America will still be winning the hearts and minds of men and women through the gospel, not legislation.
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, my primary citizenship will still be in this order: (1) the Kingdom of God, ((2) America, not vice-versa.
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, the tomb will still be empty.
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, the cross, not the government, will still be our salvation.
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, our children will still be more concerned with whether or not we spend time with them than with who is President.
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, my neighbor will still be my neighbor, and loving him/her will still be the second greatest commandment. (Do you know the first?)
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, the only way to see abortion ultimately overturned will still be winning men and women to a high view of life through the gospel of Christ.
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, the only way to see gay marriage ultimately defeated will still be winning men and women to a biblical view of marriage through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, my retirement will still not match my treasure in Heaven.
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, "Jesus Is Lord" will still be the greatest truth in the Universe.
True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, we will still know that God is in control.
How did you score?
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