Friday, October 31, 2008



Happy Halloween all! we had a fun day today. i baked cookies today and they were actually good, i am a cook not a baker. a thanksgiving dinner sure, but a basic cookie not usually. the problem is that you have to be exact at baking,  cooking you can just throw stuff in a pan and call it good. but today people i baked! a WONDERFUL oatmeal cookie and sugar cookies for the kids to decorate.



so when the kids got home and we laid Jake down for a nap we got to work on the masterpieces here is the finished products:


like my Trisha cookbook in the background, i cooked potato sup from there tonight it was pretty yummy

then we got ready and went trick or treating. John sister and family came over and we took the all the kids out. all the boys were pirates and Liz was "Super Liz" , her girls were a cute pumpkin witch girl, and Caitlyn told me what her title was but i cant remember. anyway they were all too cute, Alyssa didn't want to look at the camera i guess =)

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so that's it, hope you had a great night with lots of candy =)



  1. The kids all look so cute and those cookies look so yummy!

  2. Check out my latest post at It's just my life... as you have been tagged!
