I cant remember being this busy in a summer in... forever. It has been so fun! In addition to our 10 day vacation without any kids we have also celebrated all 3 boys birthdays, went to six flags, camping, 4Th of July, family fun, MOPS stuff and church happenings and VBS going on this summer.
We are just trying to enjoy every last minute, I am sure we have read to little with the kids and put off some chores but we are having fun! Our kids are not getting any younger and the time goes so quickly next summer at this time Liz will be getting ready to start high school people!
here are a few pics of what has been going on
David turned 9 on the 20Th of July.
David is such a cool kid, he is kind of in the stage of wanting to be a big kid but not quite there yet if that makes any sense. He loves sports, being outside and having fun. He doesn't love chores but he does them without complaining and he tells me he needs to start wearing deodorant now HA!
a new thing for us is tackle football, David has been practicing for about 3 weeks now and is a little obsessed, they practice 4 nights a week so it is a big commitment but he is loving it.
This year we told our kids we could celebrate all there birthdays with a party (BTW the last time i am telling them all that in the same year i think we will rotate) David wanted to go bowling so us and about 17 other kids went bowling (about 10 were family lol) he exclaimed it as his best birthday ever. We usually combine his and Johnathan's parties since they are only a week apart but this week we decided to not do that and i am so glad because he loved it being about just him (although 2 times the $$ ha!)
last week i drove for Liz's youth group to six flags it was such a fun day. I love roller coasters but i think i am officially getting old because i had to take a Tylenol after a few rides because a head ache came on. Liz loves roller coasters too and we had a good time without any little kids. The scariest ride was called deja vu i could have cried (some of the girls did HA)
the week after David's birthday was Johnathan's
Johnathan is a hilarious kid. he loves to pretend and makes up all these games and scenarios. He loves to learn and catches on really quickly, he loves animals of all kinds specifically dinosaurs and sharks. i often look at him and David and wonder what Matthew would have been like because these 2 are so different... We haven't celebrated Johnathan's birthday just yet we have a monster mini golf party coming up for him.
Last weekend we went camping with some friends from our small group and it was fun, the kids had a GREAT time! amazing what a bunch of dirt and outdoors excite kids, i had fun but would have been smart of me to bring a air mattress oops!
are you tired yet?
We are!
Tomorrow i leave for Nashville for 4 days for a MOPS convention (I know!!!) I cant wait it should be fun, I love MOPS and how it ministers to mommies in this season of motherhood god is good and i get a amazing privilege of being a part of TWO mops teams its going to be a fun year!
We still have to get ready for back to school (less than 3 weeks YIKES), we got all of Liz's curriculum for school today and i ordered what our school didn't provide that i wanted still. Have to buy the boys clothes and shoes (why do boy ruin shoes SO quickly?!) a few mops events, prep for MOPS, small group fun, new church service times (that John, Liz and I will be helping at) and we also are going to take a day trip to visit some friends down south before school starts.
i started writing out our fall calendar and oh man it doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon but i would trade it, it has been FUN
Sounds like you're having awesome family time. Happy birthday to your boys.