Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Itch to pitch

today as i was reading through all the blogs i read on a daily basis i came across this post and i knew i had to join in. The happy housewife knew just what i needed for the summer! Since we plan to go nowhere this summer this should keep me plenty busy, well that and the fact all my kids are home indefinitely since we are soon starting on our homeschool adventure....

i actually started the de-cluttering last week so i am going to post a week early (no i am not a overachiever believe me HA!) We have 3 closets in our hall way a utility closet which houses our hot water heater, a toiletries closet and a linen closet. WELL they were in disarray and my hubby had kept saying i needed to move the cleaning supplies out of the utility one in case the shelf i had them all weighed down on decided to fall and the thing could start a fire... yay that was like months ago so last week was the week, well Thursday to be exact. it took me like 3 hours to clean and reorganize the 3 small closets and although no one ever looks in there i was so excited it was done. so here are the before's:

 last day of school 2009

what you don't think it is that bad? well see that 3rd and 4th pic? that is my toiletries closet and once i took everything out this is how much stuff i had in there!

last day of school 20092

that is my problem at my house. everyone who knows me knows i like a clean house, really most would say it is kind of silly how much i enjoy a clean house and how much i cant stand a dirty house. well don't open a closet door my friends, because you never know what you may find! here is some pictures of the after:

last day of school 20091

i am using the utility closet for my vacuum (go figure it now fits!), brooms, mops etc. and a few items that belong there like light bulbs. flashlights etc.... my linen closet is now the linen closet and the toiletries space because i got rid of 3 trash bags of stuff! the picture of that one isn't too great cause it looks kind of bare now, i will take a better pic later. on the bottom i used a big crate and put all the toiletries and it all fit perfect! this cabinet is very deep so each shelf fits a ton of stuff. lastly is my new cleaning supplies closet. that white basket holds all the cleaning towels, i also put doubles and refills on the very top and the second shelf (which is the top one you can see) holds my day to day stuff. i am SO excited this is done! especially because i was able to fit all my cleaners that were under my cabinet that Jake had started getting in to.

i cant wait for next week!


  1. Awesome work Raquel!!! And thank you for the link

  2. You did a good job! It's amazing how much stuff can collect in our closets over time (and unfortunately it doesn't take much time lol.) I am tackling closets, too, inspired by the itch to pitch meme.

  3. Wow, great job! I am a tad jealous that you have THREE closets in your hallway! Thanks for joining in!
