Monday, December 1, 2008

Vote for ME!

please! i entered a photo contest and got picked as a finalist! the grand prize is a Canon digital SLR camera which i would LOOOOOVE to win!
a little background on my picture, last year i took the kids to a local park to take there pictures and they all did really well with the exception of Johnathan every picture he has his mouth opened, fake glasses around his eyes, a frown etc... needless to say i was taking pictures and practically screaming "Johnathan look at the camera right now, smile, please smile if you smile we will go home" anyone feel my pain? needless to say i have not taken our pictures since then!
so if you would go vote for me here i would greatly appreciate it! you can vote once per day and you have to rate by stars 5 being best. if you vote for me and nobody else that is even better =0


  1. I voted! I'll go back over the next few days and vote again, if I remember. GOOD LUCK!

  2. I voted!! Where's my sticker?

  3. I voted....funny picture :)

