Monday, September 29, 2008

Boomama's Before & After



Well since we have done so many before and after's this year i chose a very simple one for this time around. although it was small in size it was something that had been weighing on my mind for weeks. when we bought this house we had this closet in our entry that we just kept shoving things in, people would give us something and we didn't want it stuck it in there, car needed some more room just shove everything in there. well after 4 months of living here the closet looked really bad... see:

CIMG0198 see told you it was bad but seriously people in the last 4 months we have gutted a kitchen, laid flooring (ourselves), tore down walls, put up walls, painted, shall i go on? no! ok back to the closet. here is everything out of the closet and on my dining room table



see there was a ton of stuff in there.

and it only took like a hour to get it all done, and i have after pictures of course =)


and a few up close pics

CIMG0319 this is my car box, it has the green container with movies, the bag which has coupons, wipes, umbrella, high chair cover, shopping cart cover, etc..

 CIMG0320 this side has my blue trader Joe's bag with all my reusable bags inside of it. so in the morning when i leave to drop the kids off at school i can grab what i need for the day.

CIMG0321 his top of the closet is where i have a few decorative items stored and a few gifts.

to check out more before and after's check out Boomama's blog.... oh and by the next few weeks i should have a HUGE before and after to show you. keep reading to see


  1. good job on the closet but I"m focused on the big window with the twall curtains. I have a big window that I've been wondering what to do with. I may even copy those long picture frames going along side as well.
    thanks for the inspirations

  2. What a relief. I have a closet that's kind of like that.
